You help them fly: LiNC is in the bag

Woman carrying LiNC tote bag by the YWCA sign

“It feels like I’m back in school, and that’s a great feeling!” Hannah proclaimed as she settled in for her first session of LiNC class last spring.

In order to follow COVID-19 protocols while continuing in-person classes, several changes have been made to the way the LiNC program operates. One of those changes, thanks to our gracious donors, is a personal tote bag for each student containing all necessary supplies and curriculum for class.

If you take a peek inside one of these bags, you’ll find an orange binder full of empowering curriculum, markers, colored pencils, a pen, highlighter, sharpie, glue, sticky notes, index cards, a stress ball, and a reusable YWCA water bottle.

Keeping track of that tote bag is a lesson in responsibility for many of the ladies who join our class. No one has lost a tote yet!

On the following Thursday, Hannah burst into class. “I have exciting news!” she said. “You won’t believe what I did yesterday — I signed up for classes at the community college!”

We cheered her achievement and the bravery it took to set her education in motion. I smiled at how one simple tote bag could ignite a dream (

LiNC, or Living in New Circumstances, is a life skills program designed for domestic violence survivors. Beki Buell, LiNC Director, shared this update.