Get involved and advocate to make a difference on behalf of the YWCA and those we serve!
Contact your representative
The YWCA’s programs and services are affected each year by policy decisions made in Washington state. You can use this page to contact our elected state and federal officials.
Get involved on Firesteel
Firesteel is a partnership of nine YWCAs across Washington State. Based out of Seattle, Firesteel sets advocacy goals surrounding the issues of housing and homelessness, and works to make a positive impact on our state’s legislation.
Speak out on social media
Social media can be an effective method for spreading the word in our community. This is something you can help us with daily. ‘Like’ the YWCA Walla Walla Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram and you will often see calls for assistance or taking action on an issue that affects our clients, programs and services. (Even if you can’t help with a particular request, sharing and commenting on YWCA posts helps us beat the algorithms that limit our reach!)