Thank you for your interest in supporting the YWCA of Walla Walla. With your help, we can provide the essential services and programs that empower women and eliminate racism.
There are many ways to support the YWCA, from donating to volunteering:
Thank you for your interest in supporting the YWCA of Walla Walla. With your help, we can provide the essential services and programs that empower women and eliminate racism.
There are many ways to support the YWCA, from donating to volunteering:
Whether regularly or at events, on your own or in a group, volunteering with the YWCA is a great way to make a difference in our community.
Leadership Circle is a group of individuals dedicated to ensuring the continuation of key YWCA programming.
Help raise awareness by learning more about the important issues of sexual assault and domestic violence.
Support the YWCA with an in-kind donation of food, toiletries, games or other needs to one of our programs. We maintain lists of all our current needs.
donated by a 7-year-old boy and a
9-year-old girl bought movie passes for teens whose families had experienced domestic violence.
individuals, families, businesses and organizations supported YWCA Walla Walla in 2019. Every contribution made a difference.
marched for awareness, took event photos, put up posters, painted signs, washed toys, served food, sewed quilts and more for the YWCA last year.