Campus Advocacy

Free, confidential support from YWCA Advocate Karen Angel is available to anyone affiliated with Whitman College.

YWCA Office: 509-525-2570
24/7 YWCA Crisis Line: 509-529-9922
Text or call: 509-876-7075


Whitman College campus office: Welty Student Health Center

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10am-2pm 

Tuesday 9 – 11 am and 1 – 3 pm

Fridays, available for crisis 

Holiday Schedule

Not Available December 24,25,31 and January 1st, 13-16.

Between December 20 and January 21st I’m available for crisis.

YWCA Walla Walla on-call advocates are available for you via the 24/7 YWCA Crisis Line, 509-529-9922.

You can also try my email,, or text/call: 509-876-7075 and I will respond as I am able.

Campus policies

Other campuses
  • Walla Walla Community College: Report student sexual misconduct or other unwanted or abusive behavior, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, or lack of consent.

YWCA local material

How you can help the YWCA

Make your voice heard! Are you a sexual assault survivor? Did you grow up experiencing domestic violence? Or are you passionate about issues of consent and assault?

  • We’d love to hear your perspective, and possibly share it on our website. You can do this anonymously. Or check with your campus newspaper. They might welcome an editorial.
  • Share your ideas for making our community safer for everyone.
  • Share your ideas for helping victims of sexual and gender-based violence learn about the YWCA as a resource for help and support.

Get involved with planning our annual SA awareness month. Here are ideas from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center:

Statistics from RAINN for chalk drawings:
Keep in mind that chalk drawings are great for sidewalks where they’ll eventually wash away. Walls? Not so much.

Facts and statistics from