Free, confidential support from YWCA Advocate Karen Angel is available to anyone affiliated with Whitman College.
YWCA Office: 509-525-2570
24/7 YWCA Crisis Line: 509-529-9922
Text or call: 509-876-7075
Whitman College campus office: Welty Student Health Center
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 10am-2pm
Tuesday 9 – 11 am and 1 – 3 pm
Fridays, available for crisis
Holiday Schedule
Not Available December 24,25,31 and January 1st, 13-16.
Between December 20 and January 21st I’m available for crisis.
YWCA Walla Walla on-call advocates are available for you via the 24/7 YWCA Crisis Line, 509-529-9922.
You can also try my email,, or text/call: 509-876-7075 and I will respond as I am able.
Campus policies
- Whitman College: Title IX and Sexual Misconduct
Other campuses
- Walla Walla Community College: Report student sexual misconduct or other unwanted or abusive behavior, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, or lack of consent.
- Walla Walla University: Sex discrimination and Title IX
YWCA local material
- YWCA Walla Walla’s Facebook page /YWCAWallaWalla
- YWCA Instagram @YWCAww
- About sexual assault: - YouTube – see YWCA videos - Sexual Assault info from the Walla Walla Police Department:
How you can help the YWCA
Make your voice heard! Are you a sexual assault survivor? Did you grow up experiencing domestic violence? Or are you passionate about issues of consent and assault?
- We’d love to hear your perspective, and possibly share it on our website. You can do this anonymously. Or check with your campus newspaper. They might welcome an editorial.
- Share your ideas for making our community safer for everyone.
- Share your ideas for helping victims of sexual and gender-based violence learn about the YWCA as a resource for help and support.
Get involved with planning our annual SA awareness month. Here are ideas from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center:
Statistics from RAINN for chalk drawings:
Keep in mind that chalk drawings are great for sidewalks where they’ll eventually wash away. Walls? Not so much.
Facts and statistics from