It is a joy to report that net funds raised by the 2017 YWCA Luncheon came to a record-breaking $117,264 (with donations continuing to arrive through May).
The event began with Father Steve Woolley helping us all to center our thoughts on the mission, and the hour unfolded with a recognition of sponsors, celebration of a special leader of distinction, summary of the YWCA’s mission in action during the past year, and the incredible story of Leah, a survivor who shared her story of triumph over abuse and addiction.
Agent James 007 McCarthy, who appeared in his most Bond-worthy attire on a mission to tug heartstrings, said, “The amazing, generous supporters of the YW never cease to amaze me. Your consistent support shows such strength to the staff and women who need your involvement.”
Jim then introduced his longtime friend, Mona Locke, who shared her experiences as a woman of color in the worlds of journalism and diplomacy.
“From the moment she got off the plane,” said Anne-Marie Zell Schwerin, YWCA Executive Director, “Mona Locke was a warm and inspiring presence. She toured the shelter and My Friends’ House and put everyone at ease with her genuine interest in the programs, staff and clients.”
Wendy Cheng, co-chair of the luncheon, found Mona’s closing remark memorable because it encapsulates YWCA’s mission—of helping and supporting each other—in action. “As we climb,” said Wendy, “we reach with both hands. One hand to pull ourselves up, and the other one reaching for those coming behind who need assistance.”