You’ve received your Phonathon card in the mail. Now, it’s time to take action before your phone rings! Board members and volunteers will be making their calls March 16th and 23rd. If we receive your gift by March 12, we won’t call you. Make a pledge by supporting us in one of three easy ways: Mail in … Continue reading Phonathon: Make your pledge by Mar. 12!
Help us reach our Phone-A-Thon goal of $26,000
The annual YWCA of Walla Phone-A-Thon is approaching soon! This year, our goal is to raise $26,000. Make a pledge by supporting us in one of three easy ways: Mail in or drop off a check at our main office, 213 S. First Avenue Call us at (509) 525-2570 Donate online—it’s fast, easy and secure! … Continue reading Help us reach our Phone-A-Thon goal of $26,000