Annual Meeting

YWCA reviews ‘FEARLESS’ past year

YWCA Walla Walla’s Fireside Room was festive on Monday, February 4, when nearly 80 friends joined staff and board members at the 101st Year-in-Review Luncheon. The annual event celebrates the previous year’s accomplishments and those people who have helped YWCA staff serve women and families. YWCA LiNC Director Deana York spoke about the program’s first … Continue reading YWCA reviews ‘FEARLESS’ past year

‘Penrose’ a special guest at year-in-review event

The YWCA annual meeting this year took place on Feb. 6, in the reception room. About 75 attended ranging from board members and staff to volunteers. Shelly Franklin, a YWCA volunteer, portrayed Mary Shipman Penrose, who founded the YWCA Walla Walla chapter in 1917. Shelly gave a brief history lesson on our Founding Mother’s involvement with … Continue reading ‘Penrose’ a special guest at year-in-review event

Annual meeting features year’s successes

Nearly 80 YWCA members, board members, volunteers and staff met on Monday, Feb. 2, for the YWCA of Walla Walla 97th annual meeting. The event celebrated the accomplishments of 2014 and the many people who made YWCA services possible. Last year more than 2,500 individuals, families, businesses and organizations gave over $360,000 in donor support, … Continue reading Annual meeting features year’s successes